Translation and English learning by Britannica
merriam webster

1 Translation result for directly in Spanish


directly adverb

unfavorite favorite play sound
directamente; francamente; exactamente, justo; en seguida, inmediatamente

Example sentences of
directly adverb

  • He refused to answer the question directly.
  • She said that she wanted to speak to you directly.
  • The package will be sent directly to your home.
  • The two accidents are directly related.
  • Thousands of people were directly affected by the disaster.
  • Antonyms are words that are directly opposite in meaning.
  • We parked directly behind the store.
  • He sat directly across from me at the dinner table.

Detailed synonyms for directly adverb

See: Presently

Reverse translation for directly

directamente  - straight, directly 
francamente  - frankly, candidly, really 
exactamente  - exactly 
justo  - justly, right, exactly, tightly 
inmediatamente  - immediately